A Quiet Place to Work

3 Reasons To Store Your College Items In A Self-Storage Unit Over Summer Break

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If you’re currently living on campus and planning on going home for the summer, you’ll need someplace to store all of your belongings between semesters. While you can pack up all of your stuff and take it back home with you, this can be a hassle — if you live far away from the college and need to use a moving company, it can also be quite expensive. Instead, you should consider renting a small unit at a storage facility near your college campus during your next summer break.…

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Tips For Packing And Storing Valuable Books

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Packing and storing your books can require a bit of care. You may not be too concerned about minor damage to your mass market paperbacks, but old books or those with some value to you, such as the family bible or old diaries, require a bit more care. The following packing tips can help you prepare these books for storage and alleviate your concerns about damage. Tip #1: Wrap in plastic…

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Making Moving A Step-By-Step Process To Eliminate Stress

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Moving doesn’t have to be all hectic and stressful. If you take the move one step at a time, you can get through it little by little over the course of a few weeks and everything will get done without all of the anxiety that comes with waiting until the week before moving day to get it all done. Utilize Mobile Storage Units Three or four weeks before it’s time to move into the new house, lease a mobile storage unit.…

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